
For each statement, select the appropriate column. Read each statement carefully and select your answer. Be honest with yourself and don’t worry about getting a certain score.

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 for each statement, with 1 being “Strongly Disagree” and 5 being “Strongly Agree.”

Teamwork Self Assessment Tool

This self-assessment tool is just a starting point. Use the results to identify areas where you can improve.

1 / 13

1) I listen actively to others and show understanding.

2 / 13

2) I take responsibility for my tasks and hold myself accountable.

3 / 13

3) I adapt to different roles within the team as needed.

4 / 13

4) I trust my teammates and believe they have my back.

5 / 13

5) I am open to giving and receiving constructive feedback.

6 / 13

6) I show respect to all team members and their opinions.

7 / 13

7) I communicate effectively with my teammates.

8 / 13

8) I display empathy and understanding towards my teammates.

9 / 13

9) I contribute creative ideas and solutions to the team.

10 / 13

10) I actively participate in team activities and meetings.

11 / 13

11) I celebrate team successes and acknowledge others' contributions.

12 / 13

12) I effectively resolve conflicts within the team.

13 / 13

13) I am confident in my abilities and contribute to the team's goals.

Your score is